tigerbeatpoet, xo

what i listen to on the way there and in between

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Damn it, quarter.

Truth of the matter is - these days I am in the middle of an epic battle with myself. The shut-in or the social butterfly. I should be at the Dance Band/Best Friends Forever show at the Hexagon. I couldn't decide what to do. So I flipped a coin. And when it came up as the opposite of what I called I was a little bummed, because I was sure this moment of chance would clarify what I should do.

I should choose dancing, cold beer and sidewalk smoking, but due to that damn coin and my day job - I will be playing some Lumines on the PSP and getting a good night's sleep.

Walking down the street with a Target bag and an Umbrella

The way I say it all now is much more subdued, considering I have a splitting headache. And all the non-sleep I have gotten since has made me incredibly crabby.

Anyhoo - I get a call from the lovely Andrea to see if I want to go along to Dinosaur Jr at the Triple Rock. I'm incredibly tired, and I know I should stay in - but I don't. Because how many times does a person get to see Dinosaur Jr?

So we're walking down the street from the parking ramp. A bespectacled guy with a mop of hair walks in front of us. I spaz like I always do - "God, could it be?" I feel like I'm probably delusional. But I don't let it go, and I think he probably senses that there's some weirdness going on behind him and he turns his head ever-so-slightly so I know that my mind is NOT playing tricks on me and the guy that started walking down Cedar Avenue with us is in fact Lou Barlow.

I am not the kind of person that can keep their cool. I call out... "Sir?" because I don't want to be wrong. He turns around confused probably because I just called him sir. I can't imagine what the look on my face was. I of course started gushing profusely, probably sounding like a real idiot. But I didn't care. I said things like "You're sort-of, kind-of totally my hero." We get closer to the Triple Rock and he asks me if we have earplugs. I blather on about not, but how I had asked Andrea if she had extras earlier because I knew that this was the show to have earplugs at. So we get there, and he goes onto the tour bus and gets me a pair of earplugs. Dude, I kind-of hate wearing earplugs at shows, but I will tell you that I wore those bright orange things proudly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Stadium Rock

I darted out of work early to go sit in the Home Run Porch with my mom, brother and sister who came in from out of town. Started out shaky, ended up awesome - with Torii Hunter getting walked when the bases were loaded at the bottom of the Ninth in a tied game. Woo! 7 to 6 - I forgot how much I enjoy baseball, and again, how I have been neglecting to pay attention in the past couple of years.

Dude, who the fuck picks the music at the Metrodome? I have the weirdest feeling this person gets paid a relatively decent amount of money. I get the obvious ones - We Will Rock You, Centerfield, Let's Go, et cetera - even Rock and Roll Part Whatever... You know... sports songs!! But "Milkshake" or that goddamned Glamourous song by Fergie? That's just odd if you ask me. Ok, the word odd just doesn't cut it. However, I thought it was interesting that in the warm-up they were playing that Silversun Pickups song "Lazy Eye." I want to know which one of the Twins requested that song.

Less than two weeks and counting, people!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

7 - 7 - 07

ZibraZibra's CD Release is the same night that Prince will be playing across the street at the Target Center. That'll be good for the jaunt, but why, why, WHY does Prince have to play the Target Center when I can finally actually afford to see him?? The sound there SUCKS. Anyway. Prince is playing - tickets go onsale Saturday at Noon. Prices: Not so expensive to Expensive. Who's going with me??

Monday, May 28, 2007

Absolute Randomness : that I must express to the outside world (aka what's new?)

Ok, so at the point where I usually go to bed on a Sunday night, I'm sitting here having a dance party while sitting on my computer chair. This shit is pure comedy gold. So I'm sitting there and I'm particularly chilled out. That infomercial they play for the soft-rock classics - you know the one with Air Supply came on as I was flipping and it made me feel the extreme desire to listen to the following song -

Islands in the Stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.

I listened to it, it was extremely satisfying and then I moved on. Sometimes I have these Rhapsody-fests where I just jump from guilty pleasure to awesome opus to mainstream superhit. The ADHD-induced nature of this activity is undeniable, but who gives a shit. It makes my brain happy.

A happy brain wants to hear Sara Smile. Oh the white-man soul of Daryl Hall. Someone has to stop me. I could easily decline into Adult Contemporary/Light Rock and never return. Only Glam Rock can save this, so it's Virginia Plain by Roxy Music. I wonder for a moment, why the hell didn't I ever get into Roxy Music? I compose a movie trailer in my head to accompany this song. Probably because this has been done, but it was still my daydream story. My mind is a little blown, and I make a bit of an odd choice and segue into I Don't Like Mondays. But I don't mind, mostly because of the appreciation I have for the weird jerky dance the song makes you do and all the pointing I do to the air to make the points that Bob Geldof tries to emphasize. Then I go back to thinking about my incredibly limited knowledge of Roxy Music and proceed to listen to three more songs and they hit it out of the park. I must get to know this band more.

By this time it has occured to me that I could get away with blogging about this. I play Girls on Film by Duran Duran and I fear the moment has passed. And it has. You know it's all downhill after Girls on Film.

*edit* yes, it indeed goes downhill as i play "if you leave" by omd and then redeems itself again by playing "is she really going out with him" by joe jackson which is one of my favorite songs to hear in the car. rock it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

If you cut me, I would probably bleed Ranch dressing...

For cripes sake - seeing Whitney's Star Wars Celebration coverage over on Pop Candy makes me want to burst out crying and throw myself on the ground kicking and screaming in a HUUUUUGE fit of jealous rage. Frankly, I was fine until I saw the picture of Jabba the Hutt. I will admit that I think all the arty Vader helmets are stupid. The clown one makes me physically ill.

I loooooove Star Wars. I am a nerd. I embrace it.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Embarassing Confession 105:

Ok, I miss Drive 105. I mean, I didn't listen to it a lot. But it had it's place in my daily car ritual of station flipping. And I loved listening to Homegrown, and frankly, that's probably my main upset on Drive's demise. Because I have an embarassing confession - I sorta like LOVE 105. What the fuck is wrong with me?? Well, I love the Oldies. And KOOL 108 hasn't been doing it for me lately. Because I guess songs even from the nineties have become Oldies now. And that, my blog-reading friends is total bullshit if you ask me.

Well that and I am a total freak. A couple days they played an amazing combo - in my screwed up, all-encompassing music love - Leo Sayer's "When I Need Love" and Elton John's "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters." It was an amazing car sing-along for the tigerbeatpoet. They played some Laura Nyro. Even the oldies stations don't play Laura Nyro. They play Bread. I loooooove Bread. Hearing a Bread song makes me want to frolick in a field of wheat in a seventies flowery frock and fall into a makeout session with someone dreamy. Goddamn, what a scenario!!

Ok... enough. I am going to make it sound like i LOOOOOOVE LOVE 105, when I just think it is a better choice than KOOL 108.

I am a freak, I can handle this.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Uncle Stevie? ...that's a bit creepy

'Cause we're talking about Stephen King. His "Pop Of King" column in this week's Entertainment Weekly is about his picks for the top 25 Rock and Roll songs of ALL TIME. It's great. I love his monthly piece in there, frankly they should give Dalton Ross something else to do and have King do it every week.

They have an amusingly messy photo gallery display over on EW.com to go with it. I tried to get you the easy-as-pie version, but to no avail. This is super fun. I am so going to make this mix for myself to enjoy. Enjoy!

My favorite song in the world right now, even if it did come out 17 years ago...

Timeless Melody by The La's

The melody always finds me
Whenever the thought reminds me
Breaking a chain inside my head
The melody chord unwinds me
The rhythm of life unties me
Brushing the hands of time away
If you look in your mind
Do you know what you will find
Open your mind...
Even the words they fail me
Oh look what it's doing to me
I never say what I want to say
It's only a word believe me
If only the world could see me
I promise I'd send the word away
If you look with your eyes
Do you know what you will find
Open your mind

Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to you.... you look like a monkey and you smell like one too!

What are the chances of a bunch of people you know having the same birthday? Well it is true of THREE people that I link my blog to!

Andrea Myers
Bob Longmore
and that crazy Alexa Jones

if you see them out and about this evening, wish them a Happy Birthday!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

An e-mail that transpired out of my boredom, angst and complacency with my current situation... as corresponded via e-mail to Alexa Jones and Stacy Sandstrom today....

To supplement our lifestyle and get some exercise so we
don't have to get our stomach stapled, we could walk
dogs around the lake. That would be nice.

--- "Paulson, Jennifer J"

I think the best job for that would to be get paid for blogging. I thinkof this EVERYTIME I read Pop Candy. It's like - HOW CAN I DO THIS TOOOOOOOOO?????!!!! But I think I would end up so fat I would have to get that surgery where they make your stomach smaller.

I don't care. I am lazy.

This would be my typical day -

Wake up, have disgustingly awesome breakfast involving mass quantities of cheese.
Read magazines and drink overpriced coffee
Blog about reading magazines and drinking overpriced coffee

Watch new episode of awesome tv show or movie that was sent to you
Probably have a snack
Blog about watching episode of awesome tv show or movie that was sent to you and about how delicious your snack was

Take nap

Surf the internet, read other blogs and new internet content while listening to awesome new music or awesome old music
Eat some ice cream
Blog about what you found on the internet, about the
awesome new or old music, and maybe about how delicious that ice cream was

Watch Jeopardy
Blog about Alex Trebek
Watch Extra or Access Hollywood
Blog about Extra and Access Hollywood
Watch Entertainment Tonight
Laugh about how I have the best job ever

Go out for drinks with friends
Go to a rock show
Get crunk

Hang out with friends until like, 5 am
Dance a jig over having the best job ever
Go to sleep

Wake up and write a rock review
And so on and so forth

Friday, May 11, 2007

New Feature: Jen Learns Hilarious Keyboard Parts

Today's Special - The fun little synth part out of A-Ha's "Take On Me."

Upcoming for Monday - "Jump" by Van Halen

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dude, awesome....

I got my first feature story over at HowWasTheShow. I am a happy girl. Actually, I'm sorta in my head jumping about.... yay!

Check it out!

Amy Winehouse and Patrick Wolf at the Varsity with kick ass pictures by Stacy Sandstrom!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Despite the current state of my life, this week is going to be rocktacular -

Wednesday - Amy Winehouse at the Varsity

Friday - About half a Hootenanny and then....The English Beat at the Cabooze

I couldn't ask for more - wait yes I could... but this is most definitely satisfactory... I have been obsessively loving this Amy Winehouse album for months, and cannot WAIT to see how it turns out... I am not expecting her to sound as good live as she does recorded, but I just want a look-see and I want the experience of seeing this spindle of a girl with the old-soul powerhouse of a voice and some gravity defying hair.

I can't skip a whole Hoot at Java Jack's on Friday, that would just throw my whole weekend off. But I am going to have to skip out early so I can dance like a crazy person to The English Beat. Crazy, like insane...