tigerbeatpoet, xo

what i listen to on the way there and in between

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Despite the current state of my life, this week is going to be rocktacular -

Wednesday - Amy Winehouse at the Varsity

Friday - About half a Hootenanny and then....The English Beat at the Cabooze

I couldn't ask for more - wait yes I could... but this is most definitely satisfactory... I have been obsessively loving this Amy Winehouse album for months, and cannot WAIT to see how it turns out... I am not expecting her to sound as good live as she does recorded, but I just want a look-see and I want the experience of seeing this spindle of a girl with the old-soul powerhouse of a voice and some gravity defying hair.

I can't skip a whole Hoot at Java Jack's on Friday, that would just throw my whole weekend off. But I am going to have to skip out early so I can dance like a crazy person to The English Beat. Crazy, like insane...


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