tigerbeatpoet, xo

what i listen to on the way there and in between

Friday, September 29, 2006

Um, duh. Loverboy had it right when they said that everybody's working for the weekend. After a whirlwind evening of musical chairs (or, how about stages) at the Hexagon last night, I'm ready to do it up right this weekend. It's an exciting one, you know!!

I think tonight is "Relax and get ready for the Rock and Roll weekend" night on my couch, but Saturday is Summit Big Brew over on Harriet Island, where I finally get to see Cake! And of course Sunday is the big deal. Minnesota Music Awards at First Ave! Get the speech ready, Andrea & David, HowWasTheShow.com needs to take the Best Online Media Category this year!

That's all I got... I'm attempting to get better at my music blogginess...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Zombie-Pirate Showdown...

I get a big kick out of this. Just saw this on MNSpeak.com. I knew about the Zombies already. I wonder if they overlapped them on purpose or not, but the Pirates finish their evening with a Pirates vs. Zombies Dance-off.

Drive carefully this weekend if you're in Nordeast... unless you have to hit one of the undead with your car. Or a pirate from stealing your treasure...