tigerbeatpoet, xo

what i listen to on the way there and in between

Thursday, August 16, 2007

This really doesn't have anything to do with anything that I usually post on here, but I just had to share. I think I just had the best birthday ever. I went to Valleyfair with a bunch of my girlfriends. It was so fun to run around in the late-afternoon sunshine and yell and scream and carry on. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Well, except for the fact that those bastards closed Steel Venom early, after I almost sprinted across the park to get a few rides in before they closed. STEEEEEEEEEL VENOM IS THE BEST!! Also, Extreme Swing lived up to my expectations as well.

For the record, that new rollercoaster, Renegade, is super bad-ass. It might not have the same scream-squelching drop that Wild Thing has, but it more than makes up for it in sharp turns, unsurpassed (well, at the smallish park that is Valleyfair) speed, and fast-paced, thrilling excitement.

Best moment: While waiting to get on that old white rickety rollercoaster, we were standing on the platform waiting for the group ahead of us to load on and go. The girl in the front row says to the ride operator...

Girl: Play some music!
Ride Operator: There is no music...
My best friend, Michelle: sing Happy Birthday! It's her birthday! (points at me)

I look away and then look at him and sort-of shake my head, like - please don't sing.

Ride Operator: No it isn't...
Michelle: Yes it is! It's actually her birthday...

He looks at me and asks - "Is it?" I sheepishy say yes. And then he starts singing. And then the ENTIRE group of people that were seated on the coaster and waiting to go ALL START SINGING ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And I'm not talking, Minnesotans implored to sing and then just mumble. They sang it clear and loud and with heart. It was so surreal, and really just an amazing moment of my life. Waaaaaaaay better than when they sing to you at say - TGIFridays or something. I probably turned beet red. But even thinking of it now, I just get giddy... All those strangers singing to another stranger on her 28th birthday.

I closed out the night by riding the Scrambler by myself, because it's one of my ultimate favorites from my childhood. It was a nice, calm moment zipping about that little Scrambler pen, and it was a great way to sit and reflect on the great evening I had while gripping onto the handbar of the ride, trying not to fly over to the other side of the car, and thinking that this might have been the best birthday ever.

This is how I started out my birthday around 1am this morning...

The more I think about it, I don't know why I am sharing this with the world. But it's too funny to not. We were taking a bunch of Gossip Girls photos at The Spins and for some reason we were jumping about, and I tripped over the wood ledge of the bocce court and I fell in. So yes, get a good laugh in and go about your business. At least my underpants aren't showing.. but I am flashing a fair amount of lower back, ass fat.

Yes boys, I am single...

Happy Birthday to me.


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Alexa said...


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


Van the Man - Kick it!


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